Reviewing and Editing Activities
This page documents my duties as a reviewer / editor for scientific jounals and conferences.
Editorial responsabilities
I am currently action editor for the Transaction of the ACL (as of 2016), and a member of the editorial committee of the French TAL Journal (as of 2005). I am also a senior action editor for ACL-ARR and a member of the steering committee of IWSLT. In the past, I served as associate editor for the ACM Computing Surveys (2019-2023) and for Computer Speech and Language (2020-2023).
In the past years, I have also been reviewing for the following conferences:
- International Conferences: COLING, MT-Summit (Workshop and Tutorial Chair)
- International Conferences: LREC-COLING (Area chair, MT track), EACL (Senior Area Chair, MT Track), EAMT, Interspeech, AMTA, WMT
- International Workshops: NAACL NLP+CSS, ACL C3NLP, IJCAI - Computational Analogies,
- National Conferences: JEP-TALN
- International Conferences: EMNLP (Senior Area Chair, MT Track), ACL (Area Chair, MT), EACL (Senior Area Chair, Phonology & Morphology), EAMT, InterSpeech, MT-Summit, WMT
- National Conferences: TALN
- International Conferences ACL, NAACL, AMTA, COLING, EAMT, EMNLP, IJCAI, InterSpeech, IWSLT, WMT
- National Conferences: TALN
- International Conferences: ACL-IJCNLP (Senior Area Chair, MT track), EACL, IJCAI, Interspeech, AMTA, EMNLP, CoNLL, IWSLT, WMT
- National Conferences: TALN
- International Conferences: ACL (Area Chair), LREC, EAMT, IJCAI, COLING, InterSpeech, AMTA, EMNLP, CoNLL, WMT
- National Conferences: JEP-TALN
- International Conferences: NAACL, ICASSP, ACL, InterSpeech, MT-Summit,WMT,EMNLP-IJCNLP, CoNLL,
- National Conferences: TALN
- International Conferences: IJCAI (SPC), LREC, EAMT, NAACL, COLING, ACL, InterSpeech, EMNLP, CoNLL, IWSLT
- National Conferences: TALN
- Workshops : SCLEM,
- International Conferences: EACL (area chair), ACL, InterSpeech, EAMT, EMNLP, WMT, AMTA, SLSP, IWSLT
- National Conferences: TALN (CP)
- Workshops : SCLEM
- International Conferences: NAACL, ACL, LREC, EAMT, InterSpeech, WMT, EMNLP, AMTA, COLING, IWSLT
- National Conferences: JEP/TALN
- International Conferences: AAAI (x9), NAACL (x5), ACL, ICML, EAMT, Interspeech (x2), NIPS (x6), EMNLP (x7), MT Summit (x2)
- International Workshops: SSST, WMT, IWSLT
- National Conferences: TALN
- International Conferences: EACL (MT track), LREC, ACL, COLING, EAMT, Interspeech, EMNLP, AMTA
- International Workshops: IWSLT (PC chair), WMT (PC); IEEE CIST, session on Arabic NLP; IAMT
- National Conferences: TALN (CP)
- International Conferences: Interspeech ; ACL (MT track) ; MT-Summit (PC); EMNLP (MT Track)
- International Workshops: WMT (PC);
- National Conferences: TALN (CP)
- International Conferences: NAACL (MT track),EACL (MT track); EAMT (PC); LREC ; ICGI (PC); AMTA; COLING (EMT Track)
- International Workshops: WMT (CP); SSST (PC); TACMO (CP)
- National Conferences: TALN (CP); JADT; RFIA
- International Conferences: EMNLP (ML Track); EAMT (PC)
- International Workshops: SSST (PC);
- National Conferences: TALN (CP);
- International Conferences: EMNLP (ML Track); EAMT (PC Chair, research track); ECML; LREC
- International Workshops: IWSLT (PC co-chair, research track)
- National Conferences: TALN; CORIA; JADT; RFIA
- International Conferences: ECML, ICML
- National Conferences: TALN;